Yoga Teacher Training YTT 300 hours

31 Days 300-Hour Advanced Yoga Teacher training course in Nepal Yoga Academy teaches Hatha,, Vinyasa, traditional Ashtanga, Yin, Ashtanga, Sanatan and Ayurveda Yoga Teacher Training In Nepal. If you have completed 200 Hour YTT course, you are eligible for enrolling into 300 hour yoga teacher training here in Nepal Yoga Academy and Retreat Center.

YTT 300-Hour Yoga Teacher Training Program is designed for yoga Enthuiastics who want to sharpen their yoga teaching skill deeper into the mental and spiritual side of the practice by exploring the nature facts and of traditional yoga practices. If you have completed 200 Hour YTT course, you are eligible for enrolling into 300 hour yoga teacher training here in Nepal Yoga Academy and Retreat Center.

If you have completed 200 Hour YTT course, you are eligible for enrolling into 300 hour yoga teacher training here in Nepal Yoga Academy and Retreat Center.

300 Hour Yoga Teacher training Nepal is focused for the individuals ho have completed YTT 200 Hour and certified with Yoga Alliance Certification. Nepal Yoga Academy and Retreat center Nepal has been providing 300 hrs Advanced Yoga Teacher Training Course since 2014.

Yoga has become a popular practice worldwide these days but the excessive commercialization of yoga has taken away the real essence of the practice. Most of the people have been taking yoga practice as a workout and they are missing on the actual spirit of the authentic practice. YTT courses can enable you to deepen your skill and your interest into the spiritually and mentally wellbeing.

People are looking only for the physical aspects of yoga and not even aware of its holistic nature that can positively impact our lifestyle in a better way. We have been practicing and teaching yoga in the most authentic way possible to people and all our courses integrate the essence of yoga.

Our way of practice and teaching has its strong root on the classical Hatha yoga based on Patanjali’s Ashtanga. The Sanatan ashtanga-based practice incorporates all that is helpful in uplifting our life in a holistic way. We talk and integrate all eight limbs of yoga in practice and lifestyle and stick to what the classical system of yoga practice guides us to do.

At Yoga Teacher Training (YTT) 300 Hour, we not only talk about asanas and pranayama in class but also several guiding principles and philosophies that closely interrelate with the yogic way of life. YTT 300-Hour is an advanced yoga teacher training course designed making you learn the other aspects of Yoga and Philosophy also.

300 Hours Yoga Teacher Training Course

Our 300 hours Yoga Teacher Training Course guides you on the journey to become a yoga teacher who follows classical principles and philosophies into practice. This course is to take you into a deeper practice to become a teacher with better and deeper knowledge of yoga.

YTT 300-Hour training course course is for the yogis who have already completed 200-hour yoga teacher training course. It suits you the best to take your understanding of holistic aspects of yoga to the next level. You will learn more about the classical philosophies on yoga and how the philosophies influence our life. Our classes are interactive, engaging and, practical while we talk about yoga philosophies and their practical aspects. We talk and practice about advanced postures to breathing techniques and from yoga philosophies to yoga teaching techniques.

Yoga Teacher Training in Nepal - Dr. Chintamani Gautam

Yoga not being only a physical practice, we integrate and approach yoga in a holistic way that integrates the real spirit of it. This course not only tells you what to do but also gets you to do things practically. You will involve in teaching asana, pranayama etc. on a regular basis that gives you more practical knowledge of how to impart the yoga education.

We keep our class size small to make the class more interactive on philosophical discussions and more engaging in practical sessions. Interaction with Gurus and other participants makes yoga learning a great experience that is helpful in preparing you as a yoga teacher.

You can register yourself as a Registered Yoga Teacher RYT-500 after completing the course successfully. This 300 hour yoga training course not only upgrades your certification but also deepens your yoga understanding and teaching it in the most authentic way. You will be a Yoga Alliance certified and Registered Yoga Teacher and will be eligible to teach anywhere in the world.

Why Nepal for 300-hour Yoga Teacher Training Course?

With the presence of beautiful Himalayas and natural surroundings, Nepal is a perfect place to practice yoga. The Himalayan mountains have been the land for yogis to practice yoga for thousands of years.

Beautiful mountains and natural surroundings yield positive vibes and ideal atmosphere for spiritual indulgence. Learning yoga will be more interesting and engaging where the atmosphere is also ideally perfect for it and Nepal is the country where you will find and experience it.

Apart from learning yoga at a beautiful place, you can also go exploring beautiful places around.

Why Nepal Yoga Academy for 300-hour Yoga Teacher Training Course?

Nepal Yoga Academy is a pioneer in teaching internationally accredited yoga courses in Nepal. The academy is nestled in the beautiful and peaceful surroundings in the eastern part of Kathmandu valley. It offers an ideal atmosphere for learning and practicing yoga. The tranquil atmosphere of the place pours in positive energies and spiritual vibes to make practice lively.

It is not only the surroundings of the academy that will influence your practice positively but the center also offers beautiful and comfortable accommodation facilities. The center has been blessed to have all the natural and spiritual energies from temples in the vicinity and lush nature in the surroundings.

You can go for short hiking in natural surroundings of the academy and get some enlivening fresh air and beautiful view. YTT 300 hour certification course will be a great booster for the soul and will keep the yoga practice a great experience. The rich natural vibes and energy from the surroundings of the center suits perfectly for yoga practice.

Most importantly, Nepal Yoga Academy imparts yoga knowledge based on the most authentic classical Hatha yoga as explained in Patanjali’s Ashtanga. Learning knowledge that has the root on original source always offers an authentic experience. And we do the same in our yoga teaching courses and overall practice of yoga knowledge.

Dr. Chintamani Gautam, who is a Ph. D. in yoga science, leads all the Yoga Teacher Training Courses as the head Guru. This 300-hour Yoga Teacher Training Course also runs under a direct guidance and supervision of Dr. Gautam. He emphasizes on philosophical and practical aspects of yoga equally and imparts the knowledge effectively.

Style of the Course

Our yoga teachings have the root on Sanatan yoga that follows Patanjali’s ashtanga and classical Hatha tradition. We practice and teach the s Sanatan yoga tradition and live by the example. We give more preference to if what we are teaching is authentic. Our yoga teacher training courses do not only produce yoga teachers but lead people to a great yogic path.

You will feel a life-changing experience when you learn, practice, and live the classical yoga tradition and groom yourself as an authentic yoga teacher.

What we aim during your YTT 300 Course?

The primary aim of the course is to transform you into a great yoga teacher who can spread the knowledge of classical yoga tradition and bring about some positive changes in the lives of people.
The 300-hour yoga teacher training course will get you a better and deeper understanding of yoga and get you more involved in the practice. When you understand yoga better philosophically and practically, your understanding gets better for sure and you can impart the same to others.

We want to impart the classical knowledge of yoga and its importance in human lives through our teachings. Our curriculum is based on the authentic classical sources of yoga written by great yogis and teachers. We dig as deep as we can go to teach the real spirit of yoga and aim to transform you into the same person who can impart this knowledge to others.

Value of Certification – YTT 300-Hour Certification

Our academy is the pioneer in Nepal to start Yoga Teacher Training Course that has validity worldwide. While there is no boundary and limitation for the knowledge that you can acquire, you will be able to achieve some important certification after completing this course.

As we are a Yoga Alliance USA registered school, you will come out as a certified 300-hour teacher who is eligible to become a Yoga Alliance USA RYT 300 and eventually register yourself as an RYT 500 including your previous 200-hour teacher training.

US Yoga Alliance - Nepal Yoga Academy and Retreat Center

While we are certifying you a bit in a commercial way, we have never deviated and will never go away from teaching the real essence of yoga. Our primary concern is to keep yoga as authentic as it is in its original form.

About Yoga Alliance USA Certification

Yoga Alliance USA is a nonprofit yoga association that designs yoga teacher training courses and certifies the professionals. When you take a yoga teacher training course from a Yoga Alliance registered school, you will be certified by the yoga alliance. The certificate allows to teach in any part of the world and has a widely popular credibility.
Yoga Alliance focuses on imparting high quality yoga education and designs the curriculum accordingly. It is the largest yoga nonprofit association that has been serving the purpose of spreading yoga education in its highest standard.

Objectives of 300-Hour Yoga Teacher Training Course

Our 300-hour teacher training course aims to develop you into a highly skilled teacher who has a deeper understanding of authentic classical yoga. After completion of the course, you will be able to impart the yoga knowledge based on classical ashtanga tradition.

Some of the objectives of YTT 300-Hour Certification Course are:

  • Develop a better understanding of classical Hatha and Patanjali’s Ashtanga tradition
  • Integrate yoga philosophy, spiritual practice, and physical aspects into practice
  • Learn, practice, and teach the real spirit of yoga practiced from the ancient time
  • Be well-equipped with the authentic knowledge to impart yoga education to people of all walks of life
  • Develop a deeper awareness of physical, mental, and emotional aspects of human life and deal accordingly
  • Get a better knowledge and skills of teaching yoga to practitioners of all levels
  • Live and lead a well-balanced yogic lifestyle

Exploring Nepal

When you come for the yoga teacher training course in Nepal, you do not only learn yoga from an authentic source but you will also get to explore the beauty of the country. Nepal is a beautiful country with natural beauty and cultural wonders.

From massive Himalayan range to ancient monuments, you can explore various wonders in free time and with additional days. You can indulge in the activities like hiking, trekking, rafting, touring, and various adventure activities.

Your yoga journey can get more beautiful with the experience you will have during the exploration of different activities in Nepal.

What are the requisites?

To be able to take part in the 300-hour yoga teacher training course, you will need to have certain qualifications. You need to have the following requisites to get in the teacher training course.

  • An open and flexible mind
  • Certification of 200-hour YTT Course
  • A positive attitude and respect to others
  • Able to read, write and communicate in English
  • No serious injuries

This course is for you if you

  • have done 200-hour course and want to upgrade your level
  • want to understand more about the authentic classical tradition of yoga
  • aim to get registered as a RYT 500 and become a highly-skilled teacher
  • want to connect to the community of yoga teachers and trainers and grow together
  • like an interactive and engaging training course in a peaceful setting

Key Topics of the 300-hour Yoga Teacher Training Course

To transform you into a skilled yoga teacher, the course incorporates various aspects of yoga in the course. Let’s have a look at the key areas that the course covers.


Yoga happens because the philosophy guides the practitioners. The entire practice of yoga since the inception has been guided by great philosophies that define the practice. It is one of the major and key topics that we learn during the course. We indulge several hours talking and discussion about various guiding principles and philosophies of yoga.

To point out certain topics of discussion, check the bullets below.

  • Philosophy of Hatha Yoga for Hatha Yoga Pradipika
  • Major parts of Patanjali’s Yoga Sutra
  • Yoga Sutras from Bhagvad Geeta
  • Lifestyle and ethics of a yoga teacher
  • Obstacles and supporting elements for a transformative practice of yoga

Asana Practice

Asana is the most commonly practiced aspect of yoga. One of the parts of Patanjali’s Ashtanga, asana refers to the physical postures. Practice of asana is important to keep the physical body at ease in different positions. It involves stretching, strengthening, and mobilizing of body parts, muscles, and joints that take us into the state of a complete physical peace.

The course talks about

  • Advanced asanas and process
  • Alignment and adjustment during asana practice
  • Creating sequence of asanas for various levels of practitioners
  • Learn and share knowledge and experience of practicing asanas during the course

Pranayama Practice

Pranayama is another aspect of Patanjali’s Ashtanga that focuses on the breathing and flow of energy. It involves practitioners in the practice of regulating and channeling energy through breath controlling and balancing. Regulation of Prana in the body regulates the entire life system and makes life full of positive energy.

  • We learn the following in the pranayama practice during the course
  • Learn various pranayama techniques and practice
  • Feel the benefits of pranayama practice and share the experience
  • Learn how important pranayama is for a yoga practitioner

Meditation (Dhyana)

Dhyana or meditation is a higher form of yoga and is one of the eight limbs that Patanjali’s Ashtanga of yoga. It is internal practice and realization rather than external aspects of yoga. When we begin the yoga journey, we start with external practices like asana practice but as we progress, we go internal. So, when we say yoga is not a workout but it’s work-in.
We practice

  • Yoga Nidra
  • Methods of Meditation
  • Seated Meditation
  • Mantra Meditation
  • Guided Meditation

Teaching Methodology

As this is a yoga teacher training course, learning skills of teaching yoga to others is essential. The course entails interactive and engaging methods of imparting knowledge of yoga to others. From designing classes for people of different levels to implementing the plan, you will learn every effective method that you can follow to teach.

You will learn to

  • design, plan, and implement effective classes and workshops
  • create effective asana sequence for practitioners of all levels
  • learn and practice hands-on adjustments of asanas and alignment
  • be aware of the dos and don’ts during asana practice


Understanding the human body well is a much-needed skill for a yoga teacher. Our 300-hour yoga teacher training course gives you an understanding of human anatomy that will help you in executing asana and its alignment during teaching and practicing.
Anatomy classes will make you aware of

  • musculoskeletal system of human body
  • common areas of injury and its prevention
  • spinal movement and its health
  • contraindications and avoiding of movements at specific conditions

Class Room Management

Being a yoga teacher entails more than just teaching asana. It involves from ensuring safe atmosphere for the practitioners to building the ambiance of the classroom. A yoga teacher should be able to control the entire classroom atmosphere in a friendly way.
300-hour yoga teacher training course also makes you able with the skills of overall classroom management. You will build the confidence as a yoga teacher who knows much more than just teaching asanas.

Communication Skills

Having great communication skills helps you being clear with what you intend to make people understand. As a skilled yoga teacher, having a clear communication ability is a pre-requisite. This yoga teacher training course entails learning of communication skills as a yoga teacher.

From the words you choose to communicate to the behavioral language you communicate as a yoga teacher has a lot to do with the success. How you talk with the students has a lot to do to make your class more motivating and energizing. You will learn the basics of effective communication skills of a yoga teacher.

Cost Includes during YTT 300 hrs. Training

  • Three delicious fresh well thought out vegetarian/vegan meals a day and herbal teas
  • Shared accommodation for 34 nights (private room on request for an extra cost)
  • Two Oil massages and one steam bath
  • Textbooks, notebooks and stationery
  • All cleansing, breathing and asanas sessions
  • Unlimited herbal tea and filtered water
  • Certificate upon successful completion of the course (Yoga Alliance USA)
  • Free Wi-Fi access

Cost Excludes

  • Travel Expenses to and from the retreat including international airfare, airport transfers (You can request airport transfers with an extra cost)
  • Cost incurred on traveling, hiking and day trips, food outside the academy
  • Extensional nights accommodation
Start Finish Activity
6:30 7:00 Satkarma(Cleansing Technique) and tea.
7:00 8:00 Pranayam(Breathing session)
8:00 8:10 Tea Break
8:10 9:30 Asana Practice
9:30 10:30 Breakfast
10:30 11:30 Self-study/ Group discussion
11:30 13:00 Workshop
13:00 14:00 Lunch
15:00 16:30 Philosophy
16:45 17;00 Tea Break
17:00 18:30 Asana/ meditation practice
18:30 19:30 Dinner
19:30 21:00 Self study / Group Discussion

Please note this schedule is changeable on request by the students. The students will get one day off per week (usually on a Sunday) but this can also be changed.

We are very mindful of the trainees’ living experience here. Since they will be occupied with vigorous learning throughout the day, we want them to have a comfortable sleep and a good ambience.

We have beautiful & spacious accommodation facilities for our students. There are three options:

  • Bamboo cottages
  • Traditional rooms in a building
  • Deluxe rooms

All the cottages are Sanku valley facing making the beautiful outside view available to you. The rooms are equipped with all the necessary amenities such as two large single beds, clean bedsheets, wash & hand towels, along with attached western style bathrooms containing all the essentials including running hot water.

During the course duration, the rooms will be provided on a twin-sharing basis (two people in one room). You can also opt for a single room with an extra charge for any of the three options mentioned above. The deluxe rooms are more equipped, hence, its price is slightly higher than the rest.

Our retreat package offers accommodation in natural and beautiful surroundings. With four options, which are, Bamboo cottages, Standard rooms, Panoramic deluxe rooms and Panoramic sweet rooms, you can choose the most preferable room for yourself. The outside view from the rooms is marvelous as it is Sanku valley facing surrounded by mountains. Nothing is as relaxing as floating waves of white clouds over the vast horizon, with shimmering sunlight through it and the lush green trees waving back as the breeze makes its way through them.

The necessary amenities are provided during your stay including wash & bath towels, comfortable beds with blankets & quilts, hot water in attached western-style bathrooms. We ensure a comfortable stay for it is part of the pampering.

The cost is per room, so it depends on you whether you want to share it with someone along with you or you want a single one. The price for the four categories of rooms mentioned earlier is different. To know in detail,
kindly contact us @ +977 98510 92635 (Dr. Chintamani).

Bamboo Cottage Rooms

  • Spacious Rooms
  • two separate single beds
  • attached spacious bathrooms
  • Hot and Cold Shower

Explore Bamboo Cottage and Amenities

Standard Rooms

  • Spacious Rooms
  • two large size beds
  • attached spacious bathrooms
  • Comfortable Study Table + Chair
  • Hot and Cold Shower
  • Panaromic view from window

Explore Room and Amenities

Panoramic Deluxe Rooms

  • Spacious Room
  • Two large size Bed / KING Size Bed)
  • Comfortable Study Table + Chair
  • attached spacious bathrooms
  • Hot and Cold Shower
  • Panoramic view from window / Balcony
  • Air Condenser

Explore Room and Amenities

VIew Rooms and Amenities

Max students enrolled

We enroll max 14 students at a time ​during our Yoga Teacher Training course.

After the Training Course

You will be a highly skilled and certified yoga teacher after the completion of this course. The certificate makes you eligible to teach yoga anywhere in the world. You can register yourself with Yoga Alliance as a Yoga Teacher and work anywhere as an RYT 500.
Most important of all, you will understand and be able to impart the knowledge of Sanatan yoga system that is the most authentic. You will also get connected with yogis and yoginis om around the world and make great friendships.

What to bring during YTT 300 training course?

The weather varies from season to season in Nepal. During the months of Dec-Feb it gets quite cold especially in the mornings and in the evenings. However, the months of March-June (Summer season) remains warm and breezy. The rainy season (July – September) will be warm weather with occasional rain showers. Nepal has an electricity ration and scheduled power cuts are often. So we recommend the following:

  • Warm clothing for evenings and mornings (winter) during your stay in Nepal
  • Warm socks and hat (winter) [keep yourself warm]
  • Waterproof walking shoes and outdoor wear (recommended to carry only winter and rainy season)
  • Sandals for walking around the retreat center.
  • A warm cardigan or blanket/shall for meditation (recommended)
  • A head lamp and batteries or flashlight
  • Conservative dress for temple visits; Ideally cotton conservative dress for yoga (avoid crop tops and low cut tops, shorts, and see-through clothing)
  • A refillable water bottle/thermos (drinking water and tea available on site)
  • An open mind
  • Personal medical kit, Mosquito and bug repellents (summer and rainy season)
  • Personal toiletries and other personal belongings


  • Personal Yoga Mat [we have enough Yoga Mats at retreat center and we provide you]
  • Yoga towel
  • Extra highlighters, pens and a diary (we provide 1 notepad for lessons, a pen and a pencil and Nepal Yoga Academy Yoga Manual)
  • You don’t need to worry about bedding, towels, electrical heaters and extra blankets for the room.

What to expect here at the center?

  • As electricity is limited be mindful of what electronics to bring (small bandwidth WIFI available) but we do have electricity back up for the power cuts.
  • We operate a strict policy of no smoking alcohol or drugs. Abiding by Pantajalis 8 limbs of yoga, no violence, no swearing, no meat consumption. Respect, honesty, and truthfulness are expected by all, at the retreat; staff, guest, and students, towards one and other, the property and its surrounding wildlife.
  • As a student at the retreat, you will be considered a member of our community where everyone shares meals together on a fixed menu at fixed times. We try to accommodate our fellow students as best as we can by providing organic healthy vegetarian meals. Should you have medical dietary requirement please let us know in advance or alternatively bring with you what you may need (we do not serve meat nor fish nor eggs and all dairy is cow based)

During class time we don’t allow the use of mobile phone or any other electrical gadgets. We take time keeping seriously and will require you to be punctual throughout the course.  

How is this course different from 200 Hours Yoga Teacher Training Course?
YTT 200 Hours course is pre-requisite to take 300 Hours YTT course in most of the cases. This course takes you into a deeper understanding of yoga than in the 200 hours training. It is highly beneficial course for teachers who constantly aspire to grow their knowledge.

What is the style of Yoga that you teach in this YTT course?
All our teacher training courses follow Sanatan tradition of yoga based on Patanjali’s Ashtanga and classical Hatha. This course will give you an understanding of the authentic classical yoga system that yogis had been practicing for ages.

How big is the group during this YTT course?
We enroll limited numbers of students for the training course and keep is as big as 14 people at a time. Our aim is to impart the best of the knowledge in the most effective way possible.

What will be our roles as students during the training?
The course entails philosophical and practical aspects of yoga. So, you will be involved in practicing asana, pranayama, meditation, kriya etc. practically and also learn the philosophical aspects of yoga. You active participation in the practice and discussions help you grow as an aspiring yoga teacher.

For other queries related with Yoga teacher training courses please read our YTT FAQs.

The total price for 300hr YTT course is $1700. Advance deposit $300, Non refundable. 

Your stay at Nepal Yoga Academy will be remarkable and fruitful. We offer you 4 types of Rooms for accommodation. based on selection of the type of Room, your total cost you need to pay during YTT 300 will be as follows.

Room Type Accommodation Type Cost
Bamboo Cottage Twin sharing per person USD 1700
twin sharing Room Private Single Stay USD 1950
Standard Room Twin sharing per person [Twin Bed] USD 1800
1750 Private Stay [Queen Bed] USD 2050
Panoramic Deluxe Private Room Private Stay [KING Size Bed, Double Balcony, Couch, Study Table, AC USD 2200
For Extra Night – USD 30 per night


Yoga Teacher Training 300 Hours Certification Course, YTT 300 Hrs. is 31 days long, starting on the 15th of every month (ending the 19th of the following month, dependent on 30 day or 31 day months). There will be a maximum of 14 students on each course to save your place.

Time duration : 31 days

The balance of your payment will be payable on orientation day here in Nepal.

Start Date End Date Availability Book
15 Jan, 2024 14 Feb, 2024 Available Book Now
15 Feb, 2024 17 Mar, 2024 Available Book Now
15 Mar, 2024 14 Apr, 2024 Available Book Now
15 Apr, 2024 15 May, 2024 Available Book Now
15 May, 2024 14 Jun, 2024 Available Book Now
15 Jun, 2024 15 Jul, 2024 Available Book Now
15 Jul, 2024 14 Aug, 2024 Available Book Now
15 Aug, 2024 14 Sep, 2024 Available Book Now
15 Sep, 2024 15 Oct, 2024 Available Book Now
15 Oct, 2024 14 Nov, 2024 Available Book Now
15 Nov, 2024 15 Dec, 2024 Available Book Now
15 Dec, 2024 14 Jan, 2025 Available Book Now

Terms and Conditions

The 300 Hour YTT yoga teacher training course has certain terms and conditions for you to be able to enroll in the training.
You will need to

  • A non-refundable but transferable deposit of USD 300
  • The training period is going to a vegetarian time for all the participants

The course is of 31 days and starts on the 15th of every month
All the safety precautions and measures will be applied during the training. However, if any unwanted injuries or health condition arise, you will be solely responsible for the situation.


Yoga Alliance Registration:

We offer YTT courses registered with American Yoga Alliances

  • RYS 200 Yoga Alliance
  • RYS 300 Yoga Alliance
  • E-RYT 500 Yoga Alliance
  • YACCEP Yoga Alliance